== Changelog ==

This file contains only old changelog. See readme.txt for newer versions.

= 1.2.22 - May 16, 2018 =

  * Enhancement
    * Added Capabilities to view the Permalinks Page

  * Bug
    * Fixed cp_remove_like_query Filter issue

= 1.2.21 - April 17, 2018 =

  * Bug
    * Removed final keyword with the classes.
      For further details:

= 1.2.20 - April 11, 2018 =

  * Bug
    * Removed extra code which was written for the equal query.
      For further details:
= 1.2.19 - April 10, 2018 =

  * Bugs
    * Fixed undefined variable issue on PostTypes Permalinks page
    * Fixed LIKE Query Issue

= 1.2.18 - April 05, 2018 =

  * Enhancement
    * Merged custom-permalinks-main.php with custom-permalinks.php
    * Added uninstall.php

  * Bugs
    * Added feed redirect of default permalink
    * Provide proper feed of custom permalink

= 1.2.17 - Feb 13, 2018 =

  * Fixed Pagination Issue on Comments
  * Optimize Post Pager Query

= 1.2.16 - Feb 09, 2018 =

  * Added compatibility with Tasty Recipes Plugin

= 1.2.15 - Feb 08, 2018 =

  * Added filter which can be used to add PATH_INFO in $_SERVER Variable

= 1.2.14 - Feb 07, 2018 =

  * Enhancement
    * Added PATH_INFO in $_SERVER Variable

  * Bugs
    * $this variable issue on static method

= 1.2.12 - Jan 25, 2018 =

  * Fixed translation path and pager content issue

= 1.2.11 - Jan 24, 2018 =

  * Fixed pager issue

= 1.2.10 - Jan 17, 2018 =

  * Fixed Redirect Issue of Child Pages

= 1.2.9 - Jan 16, 2018 =

  * Enhancements
    * Added Filter to enable the like query
  * Bugs
    * PHP error displayed on all pages using custom permalinks
    * Removed LIKE Query in default. It only works if the site uses PolyLang,
      AMP Plugins or separately enabled using the provided filter.

= 1.2.8 - Nov 03, 2017 =

  * Add Order by in request query

= 1.2.7 - Oct 27, 2017 =

  * Fixed Parse Error

= 1.2.6 - Oct 27, 2017 =

  * Enhancements
    * Added Filter to Exclude Post types
  * Bugs
    * Fixed Query Issue on parse_request
    * Resolving Issues with Cornerstone

= 1.2.5 - Oct 17, 2017 =
  * Fixed Category/Tag Update Issue + Typo on Admin Page

= 1.2.4 - Oct 07, 2017 =

  * Fixed Slug issue with Yoast SEO

= 1.2.3 - Sept 27, 2017 =

  * Fixed PHP Notice on Edit Post Page

= 1.2.2 - Sept 26, 2017 =

  * Fixed Typo of Class Object for term on Admin Page

= 1.2.1 - Sept 25, 2017 =

  * Fixed Class Typo

= 1.2 - Sept 25, 2017 =

  * Enhancements
    * Added Filter to Exclude/Ignore URL to be processed
    * Added Translation Capability
    * Split the Code using OOPS Concept to improve performance and applied the filters according to the need
    * Removed some unnecessary filters
  * Bugs
    * Fixed Vulnerability Issues

= 1.1 - Sept 25, 2017 =
  * Enhancements
    * Added PostTypes Permalinks Page
      * View all the PostTypes permalinks
      * Search Permalinks
      * Sort by Title
      * Pagination
    * Added Categories Permalinks Page
      * View all the Category/Tags permalinks
      * Search Permalinks
      * Pagination

  * Bug Fixes
     * 404 Issues
     * Child pages bug
= 1.0.2 - Aug 15, 2017 =
  * Fixed Notice and some URL Issues

= 1.0.1 - Aug 12, 2017 =
  * Fixed issue with AMP Pages

= 1.0 - Aug 11, 2017 =
  * Updated Query on the `custom_permalinks_request` Function

= 0.9.3 - July 21, 2017 =

 * Fixed PolyLang Conflicts

= 0.9.2 - July 16, 2017 =

 * Fixed WPML Conflicts

= 0.9.1 - July 16, 2017 =

 * Fixed issues of Filters and Actions (Replaces 'edit_files' with 10)

= 0.9 - July 16, 2017 =

 * Resolved the conflict with PolyLang Plugin

= 0.8 - Aug 19, 2016 =

 * Fixed (Draft preview issue for custom post types + some PHP Warnings)

= 0.7.28 - July 28, 2016 =

 * Fixed draft preview issue(posts + pages)

= 0.7.27 - July 21, 2016 =

 * Fixed Loop Redirecting issue

= 0.7.26 - July 20, 2016 =

 * Fixed PHP Notice issue

= 0.7.25 - June 06, 2016 =

 * Fixed draft preview issue

= 0.7.24 =

 * Fixed a problem with page URLs

= 0.7.23 =

  * Fixed a problem with permalinks with "/" components
= 0.7.22 =

  * Fixed PHP warning
  * Fixed initial permalink display for new posts/pages

= 0.7.21 =

  * Minor internationalization fixes

= 0.7.20 =

  * Addressed a noisy warning
  * Revised addition of admin forms js (don't use is_admin())
  * Updated Roles and Capabilities from depreciated numerical to label capabilities (by OF-6)
  * Added css/html to match WP 3.5+ layout (by OF-6)

= 0.7.19 =

  * WP 3.9 compatibility fix, thanks to Sowmedia

= 0.7.18 =

 * Patch to address 404 errors when displaying a page/post that shares a permalink with a trashed page/post, thanks to Tor Johnson

= 0.7.17 =

 * Patch to address SSL problems, thanks to Amin Mirzaee

= 0.7.16 =

 * Security and compatibility fixes by Hans-Michael Varbaek of Sense of Security

= 0.7.15 =

 * Permalinks are now case-insensitive (thanks to @ericmann)

= 0.7.14 =

 * Delete permalinks upon page/post deletion

= 0.7.13 =

 * Fixed issue with term permalinks not working properly on some installations

= 0.7.12 =

 * Fixed issue with feed URLs in non-webroot blog installations

= 0.7.11 =

 * Fixed issue with pending/draft posts with permalinks
 * Fixed infinite redirect issue with permalinks without trailing slash, on blogs not hosted in the webroot

= 0.7.10 =

 * Fix for 404 error on static front page with custom permalink set, by Eric TF Bat

= 0.7.9 =

 * Support for custom post types, by Balázs Németh

= 0.7.8 =

 * Support for non-ASCII characters in URLs
 * Fixed bug where adding a new tag when saving a post with a custom permalink attaches that permalink to the new tag
 * Some compatibility fixes for WP 3.2.1

= 0.7.7 =

 * Minor change to permalink saving routine to fix some possible issues
 * Fixed issue with %-encoded permalinks

= 0.7.6 =

 * Fixed permalink saving issue when not using ".../%postname%" or similar permalink structure

= 0.7.5 =

 * Fixed issue where changes to trailing "/" aren't saved

= 0.7.4 =

 * Added support for changing post/page slug only
 * Fixed incorrect admin edit link

= 0.7.3 =

 * Fix problem with /page/# URLs on WP 3.1.3

= 0.7.2 =

 * Don't clobber query parameters when redirecting to the custom permalink from the original URL

= 0.7.1 =

 * Compatibility fix for last update

= 0.7 =

 * Added support for SSL sites, thanks to Dan from todaywasawesome.com

= 0.6.1 =

 * Fix bug causing incorrect link from "View Post"/"View Page" button in post/page editor

= 0.6 =

 * Fix infinite redirect for permalinks ending in a / (critical fix)
 * Moved post/page permalinks settings to top of edit form, replacing prior permalink display

= 0.5.3 =

 * Fix for invalid URL redirect (eg. http://domain.comfolder/file.html instead of http://domain.com/folder/file.html) when using permalinks without a trailing slash (like .../%postname%.html)

= 0.5.2 =

 * Bugfix for matching posts when there are multiple posts that match parts of the query

= 0.5.1 =

 * Compatibility fix for WP 2.7's tag/category pages

= 0.5 =

 * Support for WordPress sites in subdirectories (i.e., not located at the webroot)

= 0.4.1 =

 * WP 2.7 compatibility fixes; fix for bug encountered when publishing a draft, or reverting to draft status, and fix for placeholder permalink value for pages

= 0.4 =

 * Support for pages, and a fix for draft posts/pages

= 0.3.1 =

 * Discovered a typo that broke categories

= 0.3 =

 * Largely rewritten to provide more robust handling of trailing slashes, proper support for trailing URL components (eg. paging)

= 0.2.2 =

 * Fixed bug with not matching permalinks when / appended to the URL, and workaround for infinite redirect when another plugin is enforcing trailing /

= 0.2.1 =

 * Better handling of trailing slashes

= 0.2 =

 * Added 'Custom Permalinks' section under 'Manage' to show existing custom permalinks, and allow reverting to the defaults

= 0.1.1 =

 * Fixed bug with categories