* by Automattic, http://automattic.com


The Sundance theme is a free video theme brought to you by the folks at Automattic. Despite its minimalist design, it was crafted with clean, elegant typography and close attention to detail. The home page offers a featured video carousel. It supports the video post format, widgets, custom background, custom header, custom menus, and a custom link feature for your social media pages.

* The GPL license in license.txt.
* Sundance theme requires JavaScript enabled browsers to function properly.


The Sundance theme offers a featured video carousel on the home page. All you have to do to activate is create a sticky post with the video post format. Then add an excerpt, which appears to the right of the video, as you can see in the screenshot below. Once you have more than one featured video, the arrows and the indicator appear. You are able to feature a maximum of ten posts in the carousel.


The Sundance theme lets you add social network links on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and Flickr as well as RSS2 link in the sidebar so that your readers are able to stay connected through these.


The Sundance theme is designed with responsive design in mind. It provides a tailored layout depending on the device you are using. This makes your blog look good not only on desktop browsers, but also on devices with smaller screens, such as the iPad and iPhone.


The Sundance theme offers an optional sidebar with widgets. If you choose to add widgets to the sidebar in Widgets setting under Appearance, they will be displayed in a right-hand sidebar. If you prefer a single-column design, you may leave the sidebar empty as well as disable the social network links and then the main column will span the entire width of the layout.


Customize Sundance theme even more with the custom background feature, a custom header image, a custom menu, and a full-width template.


If your blog is a mulit-authors blog, the authors' Gravatars will be displayed on side of each post.


= 1.1.3 Mar 13 2014 =
* Add support for flexible-height headers

= 1.1.2 Feb 10 2014 =
* Improved image styling
* Improved responsive video

= 1.1.1 Jan 2 2013 =
* Fixed a jQuery dependency issue that caused the featured video section to not appear in certain environments

= 1.1 Nov 5 2012 =
* Better transient functionality for sundance_featured_posts()
* Add styling for HTML5 email inputs
* Make sure attribute escaping occurs after printing
* PNG and JPG image compression
* Remove loading of $locale.php
* Fix Google Fonts to use is_ssl() correctly
* Fix missing echo statements in attributes
* Add Jetpack compatibility file
* Update screenshot for HiDPI support